Sunday, February 28, 2010


Well we finally did it, went to Chicago and got our visas, China here we come. Silly of us we did not realized James need it a passport so we will be back in Chicago again.
The trip itself was wonderful Amanda came along and oh boy did she loved it.
The rainforest cafe was a hit our little boy giggle and giggle with his elephants friends while Amanda the poor little munchkin did not have much fun at first but later she was able to giggle and dance like crazy.
Took them to the American Girl store James showed not interest at all but his cousin, well she LOVED IT and of course she wanted to take home every single doll from the store.
Now we are back home and poor little James is sick with croup but happy as a clam; at the moment he is babbling his little heart out, bah, mah, mah, dah, dah, and we are having lots of fun watching him and hoping he begins to feel better soon.

El viaje a Chicago estuvo buenisimo, ya tenemos nuestras visas para ir a China, pero necesitamos el pasaporte de James Alejandro. Durante el viaje fuimos al rainforest cafe, a el le gusto pero Amanda tenia un miedo perro. Tambien visitamos latienda de las muñecas americans, Alejandro no le hizo gracia pero Amanda estaba que reventaba de alegria.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

James and teething

Wow always knew motherhood was going to be busy but NOT this Busy. For the past week we have the privilege of seeing our little sweet baby change from a quiet mellowed child to a screaming, crying machine that only seetles down when held day and night.
He is still a great napper, the issue lays at night when for some reason he figured out a way of keeping us awake from midnight to 3-4am. Hence our quiet nights are completely gone for a while, hopefully things will start picking up soon.

for my spanish readers/español

Es una locura esto de tener un bebe, Jim y Yo hemos tenido una semanita del cara como decimos los cubanos. Nuestro querido James Alejandro esta pasando por el proceso de denticion y por lo tanto las noches son insoportable, llorando todo el tiempo. Los dias cuando el era un bebe calladito y bien tranquilo desaparecido, ahora tenemos un maquina de insomnio que ha decidido mantenernos despiertos desde las 12 de la noche hasta las 4 de la mañana. Por suerte esto es temporal porque sino creo que no podriamos soportarlo.